Low-Loss Continuously Tunable Optical True Time Delay Based on Si3N4 Ring Resonators

C. Xiang, M. L. Davenport, J. B. Khurgin, P. A. Morton and J. E. Bowers
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Measurement of SFDR versus added optical attenuation in an analog optical link, for modulation signals near 10 GHz, showing measurements in a link with and without an EDFA
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Journal/Conference Name
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Vol 24, No 4, 5900109

We design, fabricate, and characterize ultra-low loss continuously tunable optical true time delay devices based on Si3N4 ring resonators in a side-coupled integrated spaced sequence of resonators (SCISSOR) structure. A large tunable delay range up to 3.4 ns is demonstrated using the Balanced SCISSOR delay tuning scheme, for a record loss of only 0.89 dB/ns of delay. By optimizing the coupler design a device delay bandwidth of over 10 GHz is achieved with over 0.5 ns maximum time delay. This ultra-low loss delay line can enable distortion free operation for RF signals used in RF beamforming and other applications. Additionally, this device has the potential to be integrated with active photonic components to be part of a fully integrated photonic integrated circuit in an electronically scanned phased array system; utilizing a silicon photonics platform including heterogeneous integration.

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Research Areas
Silicon Photonics