Weiqiang Xie received a Bachelor's Degree in applied physics from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2008, and a Master's Degree in condensed matter physics from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2011. Then he joined the Photonics Research Group in Ghent University and obtained his PhD degree in Photonics Engineering in 2016. His PhD work focused on the development of passive and active integrated Si/SiN photonics, including low-loss SiN platform, high-Q on-chip SiN microresonators, integrated colloidal quantum dots SiN microlasers, Si photonic crystal nanocavities and their applications in switches, modulators, and lasers. His Ph.D. work resulted in five publications as first author in international journals and five publications as first author in international conferences including one postdeadline paper. Dr. Weiqiang is a recipient of 2016 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding self-financed Students Abroad.
He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), and works on integrated optical Lidar system.